Love of Letter Writing : Making it Personal

I love letter writing. It makes me so happy!
The process is an exciting complex one, and actually requires quite a bit of thought & preparation. 
First of all, who will be the receiver? 
Secondly, is it a special occasion? 
Thirdly, where to find the perfect stationery to fit the person you have in mind? 

I actually start with the latter. Throughout the year, while shopping in stores and/or online, if I come across anything paper and a certain person comes to mind, I buy it. 
It is far easier to put a few things away than to run around on a rainy day in an attempt to find the perfect paper or card!

Special occasions should be an easy one. Birthdays, Holidays, Weddings, Birth Announcements, Graduations....super easy to stock up prior to these dates. 
Find a pretty box to store your paper in, or create a craft drawer in a dresser, and always keep pretty stamps on hand too.

The art of letter writing should also be a tranquil one, make some soothing tea and relax. 
Take the time to ease your mind, and collect your thoughts. 

Now, let's get to the creative part! Make your letter fun with glitter or confetti, decorative lettering and personalize it with one of our PSA custom stamps. Once written, and before you seal, sprinkle a little glitter or confetti inside the card or letter for an extra surprise! 

The idea is to make it a delightful experience for you, and for the person you are sending to! 

xo, social @psaessentials


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